The Staff Handbook

The Staff Handbook

Sectional Navigation:

Section 1 - Introduction

Welcome To The Staff Team

Welcome to Endless Community's Staff Team! We are glad you have taken the time to be a responsible staff member and learn how to manage our beloved server, Endless Jailbreak. Currently, our jailbreak server is ranked #3 worldwide on the leading jailbreak servers. We obtained this mostly by having dedicated staff members who put their hearts into helping our community out. We would not be where we currently are if it were not for our staff team.

In order to be a highly respected staff member in our community, you must be respectful, responsible, honest, dedicated, and outgoing to all of our players, as well as our higher ranked staff. Here at Endless Community, we value and strive to have staff who are willing to put their utmost effort into making our server and community, safe and fun for all to enjoy.

When obtaining power, one might draw conclusions that they can do whatever they want to other players and not worry about receiving any disiplinary actions. As this may be the case for other communitys but we do not tolerate abuse on our servers. When applying to become staff, you're applying to help us maintain our server efficiently and effectively, not to abuse and do naughty things. Before proceeding onto further topics within this handbook, we would like for you to familiarize yourself with our 'Staff Striking System'. Basically, this system mimics those of baseball. If a staff member is to recieve 3 strikes in 1 month, said staff member will be revoked of all powers and will be set back to member (Deranked as we call it). If said staff member recieves 2 strikes in 1 month, no action will be taken - we do however hope you will realise that you're at risk of being deranked and will straighten up. Same applies to 1 strike in 1 month, no action will take place but we will essentially give you a slap on the hand and a 'don't do this again'.

This concludes the Introduction portion of the handbook.

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Section 2 - Ranking System

The Endless Community Ranking System

This section will be very short, sweet, and straight to the point for there is really no need in a in-depth explanation of how we rank-up staff. To get started, we'd like to inform you that the only way you will be eligable for a rank-up is if you have met the following requirements:

  • You are an active staff member and play at least twice a week.
  • You are respectful, responsible, honest, and trust-worthy.
  • You have proven to HIC (High-In-Command) that you're ready for the next rank.
  • You assist in any conflicts and attempt to resolve them without any help or guidance from other staff.
  • You have a full understanding of our rules and have not broken any.
  • You have completed all staff quizzes given to you with a passing score.
  • You have NOT recieved any strikes in the past month.

We regret to inform you that if you have not met any or all of the above requirements, you will not be eligable for a rank-up. Please take the time to review our staff ranks and familiarize yourself with what ranks you are able to achieve(*) . These ranks go in order from the highest in command to the lowest in command:

  • Owner
  • Co-Owner / Developer
  • Head Admin (*)
  • Super Admin
  • Admin (*)
  • Moderator (*)
  • Test Moderator

To see a list of our current staff, please click here.

This concludes the Staff Ranking portion of the handbook.

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Section 3 - Disiplinary Actions

Disiplinary Actions

Welcome to the disiplinary action portion of The Staff Handbook. In this section, you will read about the actions that you, as a staff member, should take to ensure our server remains fun and enjoyable. We hope you will take the time to read ALL of the information within this section. The more you know, the better and less questions you will have when it comes time to dealing with a rule-breaker. To ensure you are able to have an understanding of the actions you can take, this section will be seperated into smaller sections that will explain ALL the actions you can take with your current rank. Each rank has its own amount of commands. Some ranks have more commands than others and therefor there must be a guideline as to how and what commands you use for specific events. This section will be heavily reliant on the jailbreak server rules. Each rank will list the rule and what actions to take when a player disobeyes the rule. This section will also teach you the ULX chat commands. We recommend using the ULX Menu to carry out commands but if you prefer to use chat, that's fine with us. Just be cautious, ULX likes to be tricky on some usernames.

Section 3.1 - Admin

As an Admin, you are looked upon by those who are in the lower ranks. You, just like any other staff member, represents our community. At this rank, you are very respected and should have an understanding of punishments already from your previous rank. If you have just now been promoted to Admin, please take the time to read this section. This section will be the most helpful and you have the ability to refer back to it at any time you wish. Let's begin.

General Rules

  1. Do not disrespect or harass other players (this includes racism and sexual slurs).
    • If a player is caught disrespecting or harassing another player (this includes other staff as well as yourself), you are to simply type "!warn [username] Disrespecting/Harassing" in chat for their first offence. If the same player continues to disobey this rule after their first warn, you are to warn this player again. If said player repeats this action for a third time, warn them once more. After the third warn, the server will kick the player. If the player is to return to the server and repeats the same actions, you are to ban the player for 1 week (10080 minutes).

  2. Refrain from using excessive CAPS.
    • If a player is caught using excessive CAPS, you are to simply type "!warn [username] Excessive CAPS" in chat for their first offence. If the same player continues to disobey this rule after their first warn, you are to warn this player again. If said player repeats this action for a third time, warn them once more. After the third warn, the server will kick the player. If the player is to return to the server and repeats the same actions, you are to "!mute [username]" for 15 minutes. If this player decides to continue using CAPS after being muted, you are to simply mute the player forever.

  3. Do not exploit the map or use any sort of hacks. Seat-Glitching also applies to this rule.
    • If a player is caught exploiting on the server (this includes seat glitching), you are to simply type "!slay [username]" in chat. After slaying the player, you are to type "!warn [username] Exploiting/Seat Glitching". Repeat this action until the player decides to stop. No additional actions required.

  4. Do not threaten to DDoS, whether its joking or serious.
    • If a player (or staff member) is caught making DDoS threats (even if joking), you are to ban the player permanently.

  5. Staff will always have the final word.
    • As this rule is stated, you do have the final say. However, you are to work the problem out. The only time this rule is applied is when making a final conclusion.

  6. Do not have a name that may be deemed offensive or insulting to other players. Players with no steam name are included in this rule.
    • If a player's in-game name is deemed offensive or insulting to other players (or don't have a steam name at all), you are to kindly ask the player to change his/her name. If player refuses, ask again. If the player refuses yet again, you are to type "!warn [username] Disobeying Staff" in chat. Repeat step until player changes their name.

  7. Endless Community is an English-speaking community.
    • If a player is caught speaking another language, you are to kindly ask them to speak English. If they do not comply, try asking them to speak English in whatever language they are currently speaking. If player can not speak English or refuses to, you are to kick the player with the reason "Please speak English".

  8. Advertising anything that has nothing to do with our community is strictly prohibited. (This includes advertising other communities, servers or websites)
    • If a player is caught advertising, you are to type "!warn [username] Advertising" in chat. Repeat this step if player continues. If after 3 warns and the player returns and is still advertising, type "!mute [username]" in chat.

  9. Claiming false reports of rule-breaking is strictly prohibited.
    • If a player is falsly reporting, you are to type "!warn [username] False Reporting" in chat. If the player continues to make false reports, continue to warn the user until he/she stops or is automatically banned for exceeding maximum warns (x3 warns).

  10. Trolling and Flaming is strictly prohibited.
    • If you strongly feel a player is trolling, you are to type "!warn [username] Trolling" in chat. Continue to warn the player until they stop or have reached the maximum warns (x3 warns). ban the player permanently. However, if you aren't sure if they player is trolling or not, consult a higher ranked staff member. Be sure to take screenshots or a possible video so a final statement can be made.

  11. Do not impersonate staff.
    • If a player is caught impersonating a staff member (or staff is impersonating other staff), you are to type "!warn [username] Impersonating Staff" in chat. Kindly ask the player to change his/her username. If player continues to disobey, repeat warning until their username has been changed or they have reached the maximum warns (x3 warns).

Server Rules

  1. Do NOT RDM.
    • If a player is RDMing others, you are to investigate the situation. How to investigate:
      • Step 1: Ask the victim, "[username], who RDMed you and where were you at the time?"
      • Step 2: Ask the attacker, "[username], why did you RDM [victim's username]? (If attacker does not provide an answer, repeat Step 2 three times.)"
      • Step 3: Evaluate the attacker's response and the victim's claim.
      • Step 4: Determine if the attacker is guilty or not. (If guilty, "!slay [usermame]" at the beginning of the next round and "!warn [username] RDM". If not guilty, "!warn [victim's username] False Report".

  2. Do NOT RVK.
    • If a player is vote-kicking players randomly, you are to "!warn [username] RVKing". Continue to warn the player until he/she has stopped or until maximum warnings have been reached (x3 warns).

  3. Do NOT Prop Kill (@HeadHelper).
    • If a player (or HeadHelper) is found prop killing players (in some cases, this is RDM (refer to RDM)), you are to "!warn [username] Prop Killing" and "!slay [username]".

  4. Do NOT Prop Spam.
    • If a player is found prop spamming, you are to "!warn [username] Prop Spamming" and to prevent server lag, "!cleanup".

  5. Do NOT chat/mic spam.
    • If a player is caught spamming chat/mic spamming, you are to verbally ask the player to stop spamming chat (x3). If player continues to spam, you are to "!mute [username]" / "!gag [username]" and keep them muted/gagged for 3 rounds (Double amount if player continues). Please do "!warn [username] Chat Spam/Mic Spam" as well.

  6. Once cell doors are open, they’re to remain open until the next round.
    • If a player is found closing the cell doors, you are to verbally notify them to keep the doors open throughout the round. If the player does not comply after you have told them to keep the doors open, you are to "!slay [username]". Be sure to tell them why they were slayed.

  7. Delaying the round is prohibited.
    • If a player is found delaying the round, you are to verbally warn them to continue with the round (x3). If the player does not continue with the round after asking them to 3 times, you are to "!slay [username]". Be sure to notify them of why they have been slayed.

  8. If you are planning to go AFK, please move yourself to the spectator team.
    • If a player whom is AFK and is not in Spectator, you are to hold "Tab" and right click their username and move them to spectator.

  9. Gunplanting.
    • If a guard is found gunplanting, you are to "!warn [username] Gunplanting" and "!slay [username] (Repeat until guard has stopped or has reached maximum warns (x3 warns).

  10. Ghosting.
    • If a player is found ghosting, you are to "!warn [username] Ghosting". If player continues to ghost after their first warn, you are to "!mute [username]" until the end of the current round.

This concludes the Disiplinary Actions portion of the handbook.

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Section 4 - Additional Help

Additional Help

This section is currently being developed. Please check back later.