GoWboomer99's Staff App

We all knew this was going to happen. It was only a matter of time.

* Your First Name: Attikus (Like hell I?m going to put my real name)

* Your In-Game-Name: GoWboomer99 or Captain Redbeard (I also have a few alts for various reasons) 

* Your Age: On August 19, 2017: 18 

* Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50160925 

* Which timezone are you in?: Central 

* How many hours have you played on our server?: 8-10 hours

* Were you recommended by a staff member? Who?: No one ever recommends me, even though some are plenty happy to welcome me to the staff team 

* Have you ever been warned/kicked/banned on our servers? If so, explain: Not to my knowledge 

* What time are you most likely available to play?: During the school year, 3pm or 4pm to about 10pm. Outside of it, 12pm to 11pm 

* Do you have any experience being staff? If so, list the servers: Twisted: SuperAdminARG (Atomic Rapture Gaming): Officer (about equal to a Mod) 

* What do you feel makes you fit for a staff position?: My extensive knowledge and experience being staff, mostly from Twisted and a little from ARG 

* How will you help the community grow or improve?: I will be on quite a bit and I tend to enforce rules to the letter. Or, at least, the ones I'm in favor of (Fucking LR-denial bullshit) 

* Why do you wish to become a staff member?: I actually feel rather useless without any power or authority to enforce rules, which ends up making my JB experience less enjoyable. AKA: If my main isn't staff, I don't have much reason to use it on the server 

* Have you already donated? Are you planning on donating in the future?: I've done the VIP+ donation

* What do you dislike about the server? Anything you want to see change?: Really only a few of the rules that I find very restricting or exceedingly annoying (LR denial and 9:30 cell doors) 

* Do you agree to being active on the forums, server, and TeamSpeak?: I'll available to get on the server, will check the forums at least daily, and I can hop on TS anytime I'm online if need be (Can't stand the background chatter of TS when playing JB)

Anything else you wish to add?: I can't really be active on the server until I get a better PC, as it's quite difficult to play at an average of 10 FPS. I expect to get it around May 20th or so

-1 Your application is poorly done. You could of tried to write more. You also admit that you won't be able to be active on the server till around May 20th that is a month from now and a week or so, I think it would be best to wait.
I haven't played with you that much. but I can give you my impressions thus far.

Your introduction post on our forums was unsettling to read, especially for someone interested in having power over other users. It reads like someone who isn't mature enough to responsibly handle the power given to them in a mod rank.

During the time we've played together on the server, I don't recall seeing you as a very active or helpful member of the community, which makes me question why you're interested in a staff position to begin with.

I'd also like to point out, "I will be on quite a bit and I tend to enforce rules to the letter. Or, at least, the ones I'm in favor of (Fucking LR-denial bullshit) "; also sounds like someone not ready to be handling a mod position. The rules are there to be enforced, and they are also there for staff to teach to new players. This statement makes me think you aren't prepared to adequately fulfill either of these conditions.

In addition, the statement, "I actually feel rather useless without any power or authority to enforce rules, which ends up making my JB experience less enjoyable. AKA: If my main isn't staff, I don't have much reason to use it on the server ", I find unsettling. You aren't interested in playing on our server if you don't have power? If you aren't enjoying the experience simply because you can't control other people, that is a disturbing sentiment.

For these reasons, in addition to the lack of effort put into this application, I give you a -1 
Application Denied
" I actually feel rather useless without any power or authority to enforce rules, which ends up making my JB experience less enjoyable. AKA: If my main isn't staff, I don't have much reason to use it on the server" 

you don't seem at all ready for staff.